Answer: you can register in e-Khazana by following any one of the two processes. A. By visiting the sewa setu portal and search for e-Khazana service and
then apply. B. By visiting the e-Khazana portal and click the register button.
Answer: No, Registration of a patta in e-Khazana is a One Time Process, Once we register for a Patta we do not need to register again and again, the
Yearly Khazana payment amount will be system calculated every year.
Answer: Payment of e-Khazana can be done in three processes whichever it seems to be easier for a citizen.
i) From sewa setu portal.
ii) From e-Khazana Portal.
iii) By e-CFR from Mouzadar
Answer: If one of the pattadar pay the Khazana amount in e-Khazana, then a co-pattadar can download the receipt by following the below steps
a. Register an e-Khazana application
b. After the application is disposed, An SMS will be sent to the
applicant/pattadar. On receiving the SMS the pattadar can download the
khazana receipt without paying the amount.